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Monday, February 1, 2010

Finding forte

Are you doing what you like?
The one that you are doing is what you thought you would like doing, sometimes back.

But may be this is not what you like. May be you have skills regarding this present job, which is the reason why you thought that you liked it.

It does take time to find out the actual love of your life. This is the one which takes hours of your time without you ever realising it. You want it to be hurried because you would like to have a commercial value for your hubby.

You can find it accidentally. Some day, when you are down with remorse, this may occur to you. You go browsing into pages, and suddenly something appears which you wanted. Or, you rediscover something which you started some time back, and somehow it went out of your view. And you get to it, one fine morning; just like that. Believe me, it happens just like that.

So dont worry. Just focus on the believe that you are gifted with a niche. I or anybody is no guide for you, in discovering that.

I love expressing my opinion. Let me keep doing that. And be along with you when I am doing so. This will take hours of my time, and I shall be willingly at it..

Perhaps you have discovered me for that.....

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