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Friday, April 16, 2010

An informal letter to Obama

Dear Obama,

I have a few observations over some of the reference you made at Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Lincoln in your speech when you accepted the Nobel Prize.

While you are lead by wise counsel available to you at white house, but I see that you missed some elementary things, and nobody protested. I think that you must have read what Einstein had said about Gandhi; that nobody after 50 years would believe that such a person existed on earth. How correct he was. If you think that Gandhi and all your illustrious predecessors are not relevant anymore with their once bright ideas, then it is very unfortunate for mankind.

In this informal letter to Obama, I want to draw attention of the president with respect to Iraq. I seriously think that we need to change our minds about the way you think. In that regard, you need to understand why you think your reasons to be reasonable and not those of Iraq. Write down just one reason. As with us Americans, may be we are perceived as big bullies, you included, because we are the wealthiest, the vast, and the most developed country in the world. Our systems give lot of opportunities to the world around. But do you think that this is enough reason to be licensed to act in high handed ness?

The smaller countries will be rebellious because you are not accepted as a big brother or as the head of their family; just because you thought America has the appropriate qualities to be so. Head of the family has to be patient also, which we have displayed to be lacking by having the war with Iraq, and numerous occasions before.

Now think of yourself as the head of the family or the big brother. Does the big brother is a bully in the family always? Doesn’t he have any responsibility towards the younger ones? Your siblings test your capacity before accepting your authority. They are spontaneous with their love if you are concerned about their well being. May be they will come up with some pranks to hurt your feelings also. But what brings them to their knees is your true concern for their well being.

What I am trying to tell is, that we need to evaluate our behavior vis-à-vis the reaction we receive. There is a direct relationship between the way we think and the way we behave. If we do not keep somebody’s well being as our intention, then our behavior shows it. Gandhi’s non-violence is based on this theory, and so was advocated by our own illustrious national heroes like Lincoln and Martin Luther King who preceded Gandhi.

Why I felt the need to convey to you in this informal letter, is the exclusion of China in your speech delivered while receiving the Nobel Prize, with regard to human rights violation while you named Myanmar and Korea, apart from Iraq. This shows that you are afraid, of attracting the wrath of China and their silent ways of countering a designated enemy. This shows lack of integrity.

I am concerned if you can make a difference as expected of you, when America chose a black to be her first citizen, for conformists (to old ways) can not make much dent.

Hope I have made my point.

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